Travel and Tourism is one of the largest service industries in India & world. It provides heritage, cultural, medical, business and sports tourism. Over 200 million people work in the travel and tourism industry worldwide. The main objective of this sector is to develop and promote tourism, maintain competitiveness of India as tourist destination.

Tourism in India has shown a exceptional growth. One of the reasons is that the Ministry of Tourism, India has realized the immense potential of tourism in India during vacations. India travel tourism has grown rapidly with a great influx of tourists from all across the globe who have been irresistibly attracted to the rich culture, heritage, and incredible natural beauty of India.

Tourism can be domestic or international. International tourism has both incoming and outgoing implications on a country's economy. Today, tourism is a major source of income for many countries, and affects the economy of both the source and host countries.


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It’s what we strive for in every project; no matter how big or small.

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